Monday, September 22, 2008

Of Cars, rain, and Smashmouth...

So this week as I was driving to Walmart I discovered something about my car... its turn signals don't work anymore! They had before and now they didn't. Problem! A bit panicked I called my dad (1. because he's an automechanic of sorts and 2. well... it's his car. My parents are currently using my jeep and I've got their car). Needless to say he wasn't too happy about the situation and started explaining all the things it could be - some of them not being so cheap to fix... Hoping for the best, I got in the car and tested all the things he told me to and we narrowed down the problem. There were only two options left - one of the flasher cylinders was bad or the whole system was bad. One was going to cost $10 to fix and the other about $500... Hoping that it was cheaper of the two, my dad proceeded to tell me to find the flasher cylinders and check if one was broken (one's for the hazards (which worked) and one was for the turn signals (which didn't). Can I just say how slightly frustrating this process is? My dad knows exactly what to look for and where and I have not the slightest clue! The only things I know how to do on a car are check the oil, power steering fluid, antifreeze and air pressure. So telling me to look for a metal bottle cap looking thing under the dashboard doesn't work so well... This is one of those times when I wish I went to school a little closer to home! After much frustration and a little help from the men at Autozone I was able to locate these "flasher cylinders." Which, may I add, was not an easy thing to find! This is the angle I had to be at (reinacted later for the entertainment of my roommates):

Awesome right? I can only imagine what people passing by had to think :-) Anyways - to our great delight I discovered that one of the flasher cylinders was bad and I replaced it. Thank goodness! So now I have working hazards and turn signals... all thanks to my patient father and me, the would-be automechanic ;-) The moral of the story? If anyone is having trouble with their turn signals - let me know! I now know what to do!

New Story! Thursday I had the amazing opportunity to go down to St. George and go to the temple with a few friends. Afterwards we stopped at In-N-Out and had dinner. Which, bytheway, can I just say how overrated that place is? I mean, yes the burgers are good and I love the fries but I can say that of several places. I honestly don't see what the big craze is with In-N-Out. It is just a regular burger place - seriously people! Anyways, moving on... So we were heading back to Cedar, chatting it up and having a good time when I look to our right and see this Semi coming over on us and it's not stopping! Personally I would have freaked out but our driver calmly moved into the shoulder and continued to drive there until the Semi driver finally noticed what he was doing and moved back. Um... scary!! All I can say is we are darn lucky that the shoulder was wide enough to drive on - the funny thing? There was a cop right behind us and he didn't do anything! Hello! Thanks a lot...

So when get back to Cedar we go our seperate ways. Well I'm sitting at home, settling in for the night, when my friend comes over and we decide to go over to the Student Center to buy a Homecoming T-Shirt (I wasn't going to ($3 for a freakin T-shirt! I know that's not bad but the thing is we've never had to pay before!) but my friend had just bought one and they looked pretty awesome). So we get there, buy one, and then we sit around for a bit. Or rather I did... my friend found some of his friends and was chatting with them while I waited. So when we finally start heading back to my house the light drizzle that had been happening all night suddenly changed into a full out down pour! Deciding 'what the heck?' we went out and danced around and played in the rain (which made me happy because it reminded me of moutain rainstorms up at camp and all the counselors going out and playing it :-) ). Needless to say by the time I got back home I was drenched! My roommate came home shortly after and we were feeling a little silly so we started having a random dance party and making videos. For the entertainment/boredom/sucking of brain cells of others I've posted one of them below. I call this "Kate Films While Bryan and Becky Act Like a Bunch of Idiots." Enjoy! Well... at least I know you'll laugh - if nothing else at the awesome stupidity of it all! (Mind you this was shortly after the rain storm so we're still soaked):

After that we went out for hot chocoate, came back home and proceeded to watch stupid videos on the internet. Oh man! We spend way too much time doing that... but! We find some freakin hilarious things! For example, one of my friends introduced me to Neg's Urban Sports - seriously some of the most hilarious videos you will ever watch! Here is one of my favorites:

Friday only continued the excitement when I got the chance to go to a Smashmouth concert! For those of you who don't remember Smashmouth perhaps you'll remember the songs "Allstar" or "Walking on the Sun" or "I'm a Believer". Ah... it's all coming back now right? I felt pretty old school the whole time I was there but it was so amazing! And I loved the group of people I was with - we totally had a blast singing along and rocking out (which, surprisingly enough, is easy to do with Smashmouth - I don't recall them being so "hardcore" awesome!).

The rest of my weekend was less exciting - I went to the Homecoming parade on Saturday and then made a 24hour visit to Salt Lake - it was a little spuradic but definitely worthwhile. Though I do have to admit it was really hard to only be up there for a day - it felt so weird! Luckily I'm I get to go up in a few weeks for my cousin's wedding - yay excitement!

As a heads up (or maybe a warning) to all of you awesome Happy Valley people I'll be up that Friday (October 10th) in your neck of the woods by 2pm and am planning on spending a few hours visiting people. In other words - if you guys have time... let me know! I miss you guys and want to see you! Yes - ALL of you Happy Valley people :-)


Lindsey said...

Friday the 10th. Check! Just give me a call any time after 3:15--or after 2:45 and you can come visit my school, because it is just that awesome!!

Unknown said...

You have my number. Mwa ha ha ha ha.
If you want to stop by . . that would be cool. Or maybe we could do lunch again!

Becky said...

Yay! I'm way excited to see you guys! I'll give you a call when it gets close :-)

Amy Dianne said...

So.... I seriously know almost all the people in that photo.

...It's exciting.

Also... I didn't know you had a blog.

I will now stalk you.
